All counties have a need for poll workers. Help your community by becoming a poll worker.
Multiple defenses are in place to ensure that our elections are secure and accessible to all eligible voters.
Learn about the 4 convenient ways to register to vote or update your registration.
This site is a comprehensive voting resource for all eligible citizens in Pennsylvania. VotesPA can help you find your polling place, check your registration status, register online to vote, apply for an absentee ballot, and more. See you at the polls!
The General Election is November 3, 2025. The last day to register to vote is October 19, and the last day to request a mail-in ballot is October 27.
Learn more about upcoming election deadlines…
Pennsylvania has made some exciting and historic changes to its voting laws that will make voting easier and more accessible for millions across the Commonwealth.
Get Ready to Vote
Visite recursos en español para una lista de materiales en español, incluyendo una guía para la solicitud en línea de la papeleta de voto por correo.
Recursos en español
How to Register to Vote
Check Your Status
Update Your Information
Election Security
Types of Elections
Voting in Person
Military & Overseas
Mail-in and Absentee Ballots